Awearness Blog #3: Romain Regnier talks possibilities, life and fashion
Romain is a favourite over at I Am Awear. We have had eyes on him and his look way before he hit 10,000 followers. Now sitting on over 40K, its pretty clear that his style catches the eye, and he is definitely someone to look to for inspiration. He is now in the process of starting his own line which we are extremely excited about! As a result we decide to contact him for various reasons which we cannot unveil at this moment. However one of these reasons was to get a few questions in on how things are coming along with his line and of course pick his brain and find out a little more about his mindset and views on being creative. There's no telling who's next in the world of social media. We think we found someone special. Check out our interview below:
- Romain Regnier: My name is Romain Regnier, I’m 24 years old, and I’m French.
- Romain Regnier: Well I love the positioning of the I Am Awear brand, and the image it reflects onto the market, I feel as though it is in sync with that of RR London which is why I support this project!
My goal is to always innovate and create, and thus create my own clothes and show the world my vision of life. My Instagram page has helped to fulfil that, and has led me to the creation of RR London. Its literally based off the credibility I gained solely from sharing my style with everyone. Once I had experienced the frenzy around my page, and once people started to really appreciate my style, thats when i decided it was time to launch my own brand.
- Romain Regnier: I am a big amateur for books, but I have read quite a few famous novels, from french authors such as Voltaire or Diderot, who for me are writing geniuses, but these names probably don't mean much to you. Their books have nothing to do with fashion, as you could have guessed, but their work has had a big impact on how I see the world around me, and has helped me with my future. Other than that, I don't do much reading on fashion, I have my own vision of how things should be, I rarely pay attention to what is going on around me.
I Am Awear: Are you designing any clothes or releasing anything soon? Your followers love your style!

- Romain Regnier: So, let’s go back to fashion! haha, Well I’m currently launching my first collection, the brands name is RR London, so it’s just my initials and lLondon, because the brand is based in London. I didn’t want to hide behind a specific name or something else, it’s just me and my vision towards fashion haha.

- Romain Regnier: Steve Jobs and Haider Ackermann are 2 persons that inspire me, They both got a different vision of things, and they both create and innovate to bring something new in their "sector".
I Am Awear: Lastly, will I Am Awear and RR London ever come together for a collaboration in the future?
- Romain Regnier: I Am Awear & RR London will probably collaborate, as we both have similar vision of world and fashion. We'll maybe able to make some nice stuff together! Please forgive me as I'm French, I'm still improving my English so I hope everything was clear, thanks for having me!
Dope! Just grabbed a beige! Great job Romain
Romainnnnn!!!!!!!! Sick blog guys. Keep it up Rom!